Shaina: I'm making a big brick!
It all began with building bricks for the Beis Hamikdash. Of course, age appropriately, the children very quickly switched to building tents and making cakes with sprinkles etc...

Bryna: I don't like this sand! It's so messy!
At the same time there was another of the same table set up where the older children were playing. Some children from our class joined in the conversation...
Berel: That's the watery sandpit.
Zahara: When I grow up I'm going to be a queen.
Aaron: When I grow up I'm gonna be a policeman with a gun! A real gun.
Zahara: But only shoot not real families just bad people.
Aaron: I'm gonna shoot Pharaoh.
Zahara: And Haman and all the Mitzrim.
Elisheva: Not Haman!
Zahara: Yes because he wants to kill all the Jews.
Yaakov Akiva: And he wants the Jews to bow down to him.
Aaron: Hashem doesn't want anyone to die!
Zahara: Only the Mitzrim!