Monday, October 25, 2010

4th term

Can you believe we're in the last term of the year???
I hope you all got much nachas from your child over the yomim toivim!

This term we will be concentrating on the Parshas of Sefer Beraishis.
Each week we have learned the story of the Parsha and we have done a craft and baked a cookie reflecting what we have learned.

I am concerntrating on end of year assessments and reports.
It is quite incredible to see how each child has matured and developed in all areas over the year.

On the 25th November at 9:00am we will be doing our end of year concert! The theme is Torah -Sefer Beraishis. All the songs we're singing and the lines we're saying are all about the Parshas- Beraishis, Noach and Lech Lecha.

I look forward to the last few weeks of our year together!