Here we are enjoying our sandwiches!
We've been counting the days until we get the Torah!
On our wall is a biiiig Har Sinai! We all painted big pieces of paper brown and then our Morah stuck them together to make our Har Sinai.
The we painted flowers in red orange and pink. Morah stuck them onto our Har Sinai with number 1-49 for every day we count in sefira.
We learned a lot about Har Siani- we sang the mountain song- which helped us to learn about the mountains fighting for Hashem to give the Torah on them. But Hashem chose Har Sinai because he was humble. we also learned about how special our Torah is. We sang "Little Torah" and we sang "Hashem gave us a present" which taught us that all the other nations didn't have time for torah but we, the yidden, said "na'aseh ve'nishmah"
We've learned about the Luchos and we coloured our own luchos, next we stuck them onto cardboard covered in tinfoil, and put cottonwool around them as the beautiul clouds that were covering Har Sinai. The Luchos was our introduction to Aleph Beis!
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